

Cli­mate change threat­ens our water resource, our for­est, the taste of our wine and in the end the com­fort of our hos­pi­tal­i­ty. But we act.
In par­tic­u­lar:
Our roof, walls and win­dows insu­la­tion reduce heat­ing needs and avoid sum­mer air cool­ing com­plete­ly
We have banned fos­sil fuels from all heat­ing uses and rely main­ly on heat pumps
We only pur­chase green elec­tric­i­ty cer­ti­fied form hydro, wind and solar sources
In May 2009 we con­nect­ed to the pub­lic grid our new pho­to­volta­ic barn roof, becom­ing thus a small pro­duc­er of solar pow­er
We do the oth­er smart envi­ron­men­tal things: buy­ing local food and goods, reduce & sort­ing the waste, avoid­ing harsh chem­i­cals
Dry­ing our laun­dry in the sun and wind….
We care espe­cial­ly for our extend­ed for­est
We have 140 hectare of forests, 40 hectare of mead­ows, vine­yards and fields sur­round the farm as a shield of peace and beau­ty.
We owe them love and care…
We have plant­ed more then 3 000 trees of var­i­ous hard­wood species to enhance bio­di­ver­si­ty and fix car­bon diox­ide.
Our sus­tain­able for­est man­age­ment is endorsed by the PEFC for­est cer­ti­fi­ca­tion scheme and fol­lows the nat­ur­al process­es advo­cat­ed by the Pro Sil­va net­work of foresters.
We har­vest heat­ing wood with cau­tion; we are pio­neers in Provence for rein­tro­duc­ing work­hors­es to pull out select­ed trees instead of the pop­u­lar blank-cut­ting for easy trac­tors oper­a­tions.
We cul­ti­vate grapes and cere­als with the min­i­mum of risks for our bio­di­ver­si­ty, our soils and water resources.

Car­ing for our land
To pre­serve the qual­i­ty of our air and water. We are a mem­ber of Fores­tour and sup­port Forestavenir, its cli­mate pro­tec­tion ini­tia­tive.

Car­ing for our plan­et
All the flow­ers for our 100 but­ter­fly species, hon­ey­bees & birds.

“I am happy answering your questions”
– Martina Fussler
Tel: +33.498.05.10.20

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