
Cul­tur­al Work­shops

Proven­cal cook­ing class­es, Chi Kung & mas­sages, artis­tic cre­ativ­i­ty and more.

Enjoy an addi­tion­al dose of ener­gy dur­ing your vaca­tion: A qual­i­fied masseuse, pro­pos­es relax­ing and invig­o­ra­tive ses­sions on-site. Duo mas­sages are pos­si­ble.

Chi Kung & Mas­sages
Indi­vid­ual or group work or intro­duc­tion course: In this course you will learn dif­fer­ent Chi Kung tech­niques. The course will be main­ly prac­ti­cal, con­cen­trat­ing on sim­ple rou­tines of Chi Kung.

Proven­cal Cook­ing Class
Cook­ing class­es indi­vid­u­al­ly or in small groups. Our chef will take you through the secrets of tra­di­tion­al­ly recipes in a large farm kitchen. Dis­cov­er and smell the ingre­di­ents and local herbs. Our chef will stim­u­late your gifts and coach you.

Artis­tic Cre­ativ­i­ty
Dis­cov­er or devel­op your cre­ativ­i­ty while deeply enjoy­ing the light, the mate­ri­als and the poesy of the place. Local artists will stim­u­late your gifts and coach you with­in a small group of fel­low guests.

“I am happy answering your questions”
– Martina Fussler
Tel: +33.498.05.10.20

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