
Busi­ness Sem­i­nars

The ide­al set­ting for team­work and cre­ativ­i­ty
Une Cam­pagne en Provence is ful­ly equipped to host work­groups in a set­ting that is quite dif­fer­ent from the usu­al four or five stars resort or an office space or an air­port atmos­phere.

Here, we offer a total change of scene and tran­quil­i­ty. The meet­ing tables can be set in the shade of the plane trees or in the loft of the old berg­erie, the slides can be reviewed in the qui­et cel­lar and the brain­storm­ing can be at its best in the patio around a pitch­er of rose and a proven­cal din­ner.

Yet the tech­nol­o­gy is up-to-date with high def­i­n­i­tion LCD pro­jec­tion, and Inter­net con­nec­tions in the rooms and in the busi­ness cen­ter. Wire­less Inter­net access which allows you to be mobile around the estate can also be pro­vid­ed upon request.

Capac­i­ty in indi­vid­ual rooms: 12 peo­ple
Full Board
Audio & Video equip­ment and authen­tic busi­ness cen­ter
Inter­net access

Bud­get on demand →

Brochure on demand →

“I am happy answering your questions”
– Martina Fussler
Tel: +33.498.05.10.20

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