Apart­ments in Provence

Bed & Break­fast


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Expe­ri­ence Provence

This large farm­ing and forestry estate was devel­oped in the 12th cen­tu­ry by the Knight Tem­plers. Today the bed and break­fast offers great hos­pi­tal­i­ty, friend­ly din­ners, and pleas­ant guest rooms, stu­dios and apart­ments.

The foun­tains in the Mediter­ranean gar­den, a large, heat­ed swim­ming-pool and a pad­dling pool for kids, the strolls through the vine­yard or in the shade of the oak for­est soon erase the stress of trav­el and city life.

Mar­ti­na and Claude Fus­sler wel­come you in their Cam­pagne en Provence, amidst 190 hectares of nature, a few min­utes from the Basil­i­ca of St. Max­imin, less than an hour from the French Riv­iera, the Gorges du Ver­don or Aix-en Provence, famous for Cezanne’s land­scapes, and Mar­seille, the live­ly mul­ti­cul­tur­al sea-side city.

Whether for a fam­i­ly vaca­tion or a week-end in south­ern France, you will enjoy charm­ing Bed & Break­fast rooms, or cham­bres d’hôtes, or fur­nished apart­ments for qual­i­ty hol­i­day rentals in the heart of Provence’s wine ter­ri­to­ry.

Dis­tin­guished with the Euro­pean WildLife Estate label, the B&B offers many ameni­ties for relax­ation and well­ness in nature: vast gar­dens, walk­ing or jog­ging tracks in the woods, for­est bathing, bik­ing, horse­back rid­ing and Mediter­ranean cook­ing class­es. Provence gas­tron­o­my with local prod­ucts is avail­able with the accom­mo­da­tions at the host’s table.

Accom­mo­da­tion Map


Fur­nished apart­ment


Fur­nished apart­ment


140 square meter room, on request


On request

Les Trois p’tits cochons

Apart­ment for 2 or 3 peo­ple


Enjoy break­fast and din­ner under­neath the plane trees


Fur­nished apart­ment

Guest rooms & fam­i­ly suite

Hon­ey­moon room, Angel room & Vin­tage room



On request

Oak tree room

Suite with break­fast


We are wel­com­ing you with break­fast, bev­er­ages and din­ner

La Bou­tique

Pool area


Fur­nished vaca­tion house, locat­ed 300 meters out­side

Accom­mo­da­tion Map

Hov­er over each loca­tion to learn more

Ques­tions & answers

Active in Provence

Active in Provence


Just get on the bike at the door­step of your accom­mo­dation for a solo, a fam­i­ly, or a group out­ing. We pro­pose lots of leisure­ly or sporty cir­cuits.

For­est Bathing

Take time to dis­cov­er our For­est Bath Trail in our wood­ed hills. It offers you a re­laxing immer­sion into their secret life and the mem­o­ry of cen­turies past.

More activ­i­ties

Une Cam­pagne en Provence is locat­ed in the heart of the green Provence, a region defined by its rivers, vine­yards, oak woods and vil­lages.

Pho­to Gallery

“I am hap­py answer­ing your ques­tions and we would be delight­ed wel­com­ing you in our b&b in Provence between the vine­yards.” – Mar­ti­na Fus­sler

News and Impres­sions

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“I am happy answering your questions”
– Martina Fussler
Tel: +33.498.05.10.20

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